Colgate Bright Smiles

Bright Smiles, Bright Futures - Project News

Sirius College Keysborough Campus has once again participated in the Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures annual project.

The Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures program is designed to teach children the importance of good oral hygiene.

Students from year 1-3 have participated in the annual art contest and I am proud to announce our three finalists who have received Colgate rewards. Congratulations to Atoosa Parvaresh, Antal Faisal and Hussain Albadri, the lucky finalists for 2017.

Colgate and Terracycle Recycling Project

In term 3 amongst other fun happenings we have celebrated the Science week. The students have enthusiastically collected various dental products to be recycled. We have shipped off over 3kgs of recyclables to Terracycle. Below are our stats:

Toothbrushes 148

Kids brushes 60

Green 24

Electric 10

Pink & Purple 39

White 14

Electric attachments 13

Orange 7

Red 27

Adult Brushes 88

Blue 28

Random Colours 9

Project Organiser,
Vlada Rahim